Is It Time to Repair or Replace My Roof?
Like all man made structures, roofing only has a limited lifespan. No matter how durable your roof is, it will eventually need to be repaired, upgraded or completely replaced. Understanding and recognizing the obvious signs that your roof has reached this point will ensure that your home or business stays safe in case of an unexpected emergency. At Ideal Roofing, we are passionate about informing everyday Australians about the ins and outs of our industry; domestic and commercial roofing. Read through our latest post to learn about the signs of roof deterioration and how to best respond to it. Signs of Roof Deterioration WATER LEAKS One of the most obvious signs of roofing deterioration is multiple leaks throughout your property. Look for yellowish stains and peeling paint on the top floors of your home or business to easily spot any leaks. Also inspect door and window frames for any stains that could indicate recent water damage. SHINGLE DETERIORATION Curled shingles are a sure sign that they have started to shrink and become severely weakened. After curling, it is only a matter of time until they become complete detached from your roof, leaving your property susceptible to water entry and subsequent damage. If you’ve noticed that your shingles are starting to curl, it is imperative that you act soon to fight off future problems. MOSS GROWTH Moss growth may give your roof a quaint, rustic look, but this seemingly innocuous growth can lead to major roofing problems. Widespread moss growth can damage your shingles and open your property up to potential water damage. Questions to Ask Yourself After noticing numerous signs of a damaged roof, you must decide whether to settle for roof repairs or to install an entirely new roof. Here are 3 pertinent questions which should be considered. HOW BIG OF AN AREA NEEDS REPLACEMENT? Minor roof damage over a small surface area should be easily repairable at a low cost. However, widespread damage or multiple damaged areas should be treated differently. Having various different water leaks throughout your roof is a sure sign that your roof is past its used-by date and should be completely overhauled. HOW OLD IS MY ROOF? The lifespan of your roof will vary depending on the material used and the area you live in, from 10 up to 60 or more years. Consider how long your roof has been standing for, the materials that were used, and the era in which it was built in. If the decades are starting to pile up, it may be time to completely replace the roof over your head. WHAT’S THE ADDITIONAL COST TO REPLACE THE ENTIRE ROOF? It is crucial to look at this problem as a long-term venture. While repairing your roof may be the cheaper option, you may save money in the long run by simply replacing it now. If repairing your roof is not materially cheaper than a complete replacement, it would be a wise move to consider an entirely new roof installation. Have you been thinking that your property’s roofing needs to be repaired or replaced? Contact Sydney’s roofing specialist for a hassle-free assessment today.
Metal Roofing – What Do I Need to Know?
Deciding on the right roofing for your property is not always as simple as it seems. The consequences of a poor roofing choice can be costly for your home and your hip pocket for many years to come if you don’t do proper research and understand your options. Metal roofing is one option that deserves serious consideration when making a decision on your property’s vertical protection. This versatile material has become more and more popular throughout Australia for its unique qualities and protection from the harsh Australian environment. At Ideal Roofing, it is our pleasure to guide you through this process by demonstrating some of the pros and cons of using metal roof sheeting for your new roof. Superior Durability and Longevity The number one advantage of using metal roof sheering is the longevity it will provide you. It’s said by many in the roofing industry that metal roofing will effectively last as long as your house. Materials such as steel and aluminium are proven to last longer than alternate roofing sources such as wood, asphalt or tile thanks to their unique, weather resistant properties. Not only is metal resistant to fire, mildew, insects and rot, but it is also effective in preventing water damage to your property, ensuring that you are protected from the elements all year long. EASE OF INSTALLATION Metal roofing generally comes in lightweight sheets between 12 and 36 inches that are easily installable by any contractor. These metal sheets are also easily transferable from supplier to home, meaning that transporting materials is a simple task for your contractor. Installing your roofing in a speedy fashion will also safeguard your home from potential rain or storms that may occur during the installation process. COST The most commonly quoted downfall of metal roofing is the cost to purchase and install when compared to its competitors. Indeed, metal roofing can cost more than other roofing alternatives, leaving you with a larger initial outlay. However, this initial cost you incur will be offset by future savings thanks to the superior durability of metal. While you may have to replace a tiled roof multiple times over a property's life span, metal is a near certainty to last the duration if installed correctly and in the right environment. Interested in learning more about the properties of metal roofing? Simply contact us today to speak to our team of roofing professionals. |